Thursday 11 October 2012

Proposal Ideas: STYLE AND TONE

Atmosphere & Tone = Surrealist thriller, psychotic suspense, mind-twister. Aiming towards a more indie/arthouse vibe.

Directors to Note: Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream), Terry Gilliam (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), Lucille Hadzihavlilovic (Innocence, Enter the Void), Danny Boyle, Henri-Georges Clouzot (Inferno, Les Diaboliques), Luis Bunuel and Wim Wenders for his cinematography and character study.

Cinematography: long, skewed shot to show the surroundings and the character within them, perhaps to emphasize isolation. I would also include lots of close-ups and singular shots to intensely highlight the character and their emotion.

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