Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation Question 7:

 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of it to the final product?
Initially it is clear that the better one plans and prepares (e.g. shotlists and storyboarding) for a film shoot, the smoother and quicker the experience will be. I have slowly got to grips with setting up and balancing the tripod, as well as learning the basic functions of the video camera and equipment I previously had no idea about, such as the the microtrack. Furthermore I am now able to utilise footage on Final Cut Pro, using the editing tools to form a linear video.
Filming-wise, I have greater appreciation for the way in which film makers and camera men must meticulously plan camera movement and plan to take surplus shots, so that choice is available at the editing stage. I can now incorporate match-on-action, shot-reverse-shots, zooms, pans and tracking shots into my camera work.

Furthermore I have learnt to animate story boards and incorporate dialogue into the film using a micro-track.

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