Tuesday 1 October 2013

Rough Narrative (Trailer)

The first ‘act’ of the trailer will begin by laying out the premise. It will introduce the key characters and the area in focus through the use of pieces of footage and of sound bytes of interviews from the film. The primary theme of the film will not be revealed at this point (street tennis), it will seem as though the film is more concerned with the social issues and problems with youth in the area.
The second ‘act’ will introduce tennis as a pivotal part of the film, shots of gang members playing and watching tennis, interviews with gang member discussing street tennis and how it is significant or relevant to their group. The advert will show the violence inherent within the game of street tennis also through the use of shots and sound bytes.
The third ‘act’ will show a series of distressing images in a montage displaying how ‘difficult’ these gang members lives are (most importantly the two main characters) and how they are getting too deep into the seedy underworld of street tennis. This sequence will end with a shot of the primary main character falling to the ground in the distance (having been shot). This whole sequence will have an emotive piece of music over it and maybe a sound byte of a gang member discussing the hardships that they have been through and how street tennis affects their lives.


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