Monday 16 December 2013

Film Title: Influences

Inspiration can be drawn from Manhunt: The Search for Bin Laden, with its separating the stylisation of two sections of one word; this places emphasis on its meaning and leads the audience to question why the title was chosen and how it is important. In this case, 'manhunt' is familiar term with sinister connotations, but in the case the hunted is the 'evil' entity, not the hunter, thereby subverting expectations of what the title implies. Furthermore, the title is so basic and literal in its meaning that it quite simple to understand its premise, and although it may be a touch heavy-handed at least it is simple and direct, avoiding anything complex and pretentious. 
The spacing of the letters is relevant here because the 'Man' in question - Bin Laden - is one obvious issue the CIA are facing in their counter-terrorist activity, present in a tightly-lettered, simplistic form, whilst the 'Hunt' is the bigger, longer process that takes years to resolve, conveyed with the letters spread out across the screen/page.

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