Friday 3 January 2014

Film Title: Plan

The font used for this title is HeadLineA found on Final Cut Pro. The stylisation of the font reflects duality of the themes presented in the film, with the juxtaposition of lower and upper case fonts, and their contrasting spacing and size.

According to Wikipedia, a backhand move in tennis: "Because the player's dominant hand "pulls" into the shot, the backhand generally lacks the power and consistency of the forehand, and is usually considered more difficult to master. However, the two-handed backhand provides more stability and power for the shot, and is increasingly used in the modern game. Beginner and club-level players often have difficulty hitting a backhand, and junior players may have trouble making the shot if they are not strong enough to hit it. Many advanced players still have a significantly better forehand than backhand, and many strategies in tennis aim to exploit this weakness."
The idea of backhand acts as a metaphor, as the kids are not professional tennis players in any capacity, although some may secretly dream to be. In relation to their background, they are disadvantaged as players, and there are more struggles when it comes to mastering to the game, but if one of them was to overcome these obstacles and master the game, then it would be considered a triumph. In the end, many  of the kids are on different paths, but for some tennis may be the one to follow.


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