Tuesday 8 October 2013

Aesthetics: Mood & Tone Inspiration

Our drama is a sports documentary with a blend of 'urban' drama, and do it needs to incorporate an energetic pace with a certain darker mood. Themes include struggle, relationships, sportsmanship, redemption and triumph over tragedy. 
A lot of the colour palette will adhere to a grey/blue-tinged grain similar to Fish Tank and Into the Abyss (bottom right and bottom left respectively), a typical representation of urban landscapes in order to establish the audiences' expectations and understanding of the geographical context . However we will aim to subvert these visual stereotypes by including more green landscapes such as parks, flowers as trees, in scenes with the tennis court and in the park. After all, almost 40% of London is covered by green space, particularly the numerous commons and parks in South London, so it would be wrong not to include those aesthetics. Furthermore, youth culture is extremely dynamic and creative and this should be represented at least through colourful and stylish clothing; this varied the palette and make the film more visually exciting and avoid drab stereotypes. Inspiration for this can be taken from This is England, where fashion plays a large party of cultural identity and representation of the time; in this case with the characters expressing themselves as members of 80s counter culture (center bottom). Other aesthetic influences include China Heavyweight (Center), because although these people may come from small town agricultural/industrial China, they still present their individualism through their bright clothing and adoption of Western brands. This perhaps may be seen as a visual metaphor as they desire to break free of their rural, insular background and achieve their dreams on an international platform. 


Tuesday 1 October 2013

Rough Narrative (Trailer)

The first ‘act’ of the trailer will begin by laying out the premise. It will introduce the key characters and the area in focus through the use of pieces of footage and of sound bytes of interviews from the film. The primary theme of the film will not be revealed at this point (street tennis), it will seem as though the film is more concerned with the social issues and problems with youth in the area.
The second ‘act’ will introduce tennis as a pivotal part of the film, shots of gang members playing and watching tennis, interviews with gang member discussing street tennis and how it is significant or relevant to their group. The advert will show the violence inherent within the game of street tennis also through the use of shots and sound bytes.
The third ‘act’ will show a series of distressing images in a montage displaying how ‘difficult’ these gang members lives are (most importantly the two main characters) and how they are getting too deep into the seedy underworld of street tennis. This sequence will end with a shot of the primary main character falling to the ground in the distance (having been shot). This whole sequence will have an emotive piece of music over it and maybe a sound byte of a gang member discussing the hardships that they have been through and how street tennis affects their lives.


Rough Narrative (Whole Film)

The film would begin by introducing the area focussed on (fictional area of London) and its social history. It would then go on to discuss poverty in the area and problems involving crime that have arisen in the area due to this. During this time shots of the area and interviews with its inhabitants would be used to illustrate this introduction.
Attention would be turned towards the estates of the area and the various gangs that are known to ‘represent’ each one. Interviews with various gang members would be used with shots of violence and crime, creating an intimidating image of the gangs and their members. Various ‘key players’ would be introduced including the two primary gang leaders (‘main characters’), one of which seeming reserved and shrew while the other bawdy and violent. Slowly the audience will get to know these two characters and their communities more, and learn about their involvement in the phenomenon of ‘street tennis’.
Street tennis is a presented as a seedy underworld of wagers and unstable matches that are used to settle gang disputes and are effectively organised.
The documentary will learn from gang members of how the tradition evolved in their lifetimes and how its values are upheld strictly.
Once everything has been established the two main characters are shown developing separately as ‘street tennis’ players whilst never meeting in the film. The first of the two is seen to be maturing and learning whilst the other shown to be turning into a crazed beast of the street tennis court who wishes to challenge the first gang leader.
The game is organised by the powers at be overseeing street tennis and the date is set. The exposition of the film consists of a build up of tension as both characters prepare for this match. The film ends with the match taking place and the police arriving, shutting down the match, arresting the second gang leader and tragically killing the first.
We (as the documenters) would not have planned to latch on to such a heartbreaking tale purposefully but were more looking into the world of street tennis itself.


Character Costume